I knocked on the door of Becker Helicopters when I was 16, a year 10 high school student with no qualifications or experience. I was looking for volunteer work. After 2 years of sweeping floors, washing machines and paint stripping parts I took on a school based traineeship, working one day a week and working during school holidays. At the end of 2 years I received a Certificate II in Aero Skills. It's amazing what knocking on the door can do.
Why engineering and why helicopters?
It was my Dad's idea. He knew I wanted to be a helicopter pilot. I was fascinated what helicopters could do, plus I loved the idea of flying an aircraft even though I was somewhat afraid of heights. I had very little mechanical experience. I was mechanically minded and enjoyed taking things apart, just because I would try to fix it but I'd have no idea how. Dad got a brochure from a local aviation engineering school which I was a bit hesitant about, but I figured I had to start somewhere.
Any challenges during your apprenticeship?
Biggest challenge was commuting to Brisbane, working full day then to come home and study for exams, which was the last thing I wanted to do!
Special or funny moments during training?
There's way too many funny moments to say. There's always something new everyday! One special moment? Leaving Grade 12 from my school in a helicopter. Thanks Beckers!
Advice to others seeking an apprenticeship?
If you have a goal, shoot for it. Don't let anything hold you back and go the extra mile. Sell yourself and get yourself known. It's a small industry and a name goes a long way.

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