Dear St. Andrews Anglican College Parents, Students, Teachers, Staff and Friends, Becker Helicopters staff & friends
My name is Chase Becker and I am in grade 11 this year. In my ninth grade I was diagnosed with a dysgerminoma (AKA Ovarian Cancer). I have lived through it and there isn't much I can say nor remember of the event in my life and if I am asked by others who did not know me at the time I said that I missed a year of school because of a mysterious cold that I picked up at Hogwarts (for those who do not know...Harry Potter is my favourite book :D ).

Anyways, my surgeon, the man who saved my life (not to be dramatic) has begun a fund raiser and I, unfortunately, haven't had the best records with the fund raisers. I have done the fun run and pink day etc for many years before I got sick but for most of them I have lost the stomach for it.
So now to pay up for my absences I have decided to go all out and scrounge as much money and friendship from all around. The fund raising that has happened FOR me has been incredible one time being a team from my parents work ( Becker Helicopters) and their wives and children raised over $10,000 MORE than the next best team. A feat I have not and will not forget.
I ask my peers, teachers, friends, Mrs. Kath my faithful superwoman, Masters of the force, The incredible leaders of this and many other generations to help me raise the most money on this day AND if you can COME and join me in the best volleyball fund raiser tournament of the century.
You can even make your own teams (I know the combination of the Mighty Mr. Elley and the Cheetah Ms. Court could win if they so chose to create a team!!). To all the Becker Helicopters crew that mummy and daddy are so proud of.
All you have to do to give money to the amazing people that will save lives with the small round pieces of metal in your pockets, jars and piggy banks (Don't worry kids the piggy doesn't have to be sacrificed, just show this email to your parents and they take it out of the Uber Super Duper Piggy Bank for you) and either bring it to us on the day or you can use credit cards. You can do it online.
I do know that is a big ask, YES IT IS!!, but that’s only because it’s the holidays you are all probably away and unable to glimpse this email but for those who do and will and have... think like the Famous Mr. Robson and "get off your backside and take initiative because you'll be fantastic, absolutely fantastic" :D .
But on a serious note guys, (if that’s possible) please, if you can't come along go to this URL:
Sponsor Chase BeckerOnce again guys I would love to give my thanks and friendship to those who will do these things for me and to those who may be away etc and have ALREADY done something for me in this battle who I cannot name personally because honestly there were so many.