Age: 34 years
Country: Australia
When did you train at Beckers? July - September 2008
Why helicopters? Why aeroplanes!
Biggest challenge in training and why? Confined Areas as there are so many facets of the training which lead up to this part of the syllabus, it makes it such a challenging yet huge rewarding part!
Most memorable training flight? The first flight of my CPL training with Mez (Simon Meredith). I had not flown 8 years previously and had completed my theory through Beckers distance learning course. We tracked northbound coastal and I will never forget thinking this is what it's all about, determination hard-work and the satisfaction of it are all the more reason to make it happen.
What did you do after you finished training? I went back to my old job for one last cash-in! Then 3 months later I became a full time pilot working for The Edge Helicopters (now known as 12 Apostles Helicopters). During which I flew alongside other "Becker boys " Matt Wilson and Tim Watkins. The bonds made with pilots during the early days are solid and will continue for ever. Great times indeed!

Advice to those learning to fly? Don't give up. If it were easy everyone would do it!
Advice to those looking for work? You need to see yourself as an "apprentice". Don't have huge visions of conquering the earth in the first few years. Give yourself realistic goals and believe in yourself and your abilities as people will be relying on you to keep them safe!
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Instructing!
Final words? Happy times!

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