Abhijeet Anil Mahajan
Country of Origin
When did you train at Beckers?
June 2006 to December 2006

Why helicopters?
Find planes too boring. Also, grew up watching my father fly helicopters in the India Army and the sight of helicopter floating down majestically during auto rotations and flaring painted a permanent picture in my mind. I had to experience the same and it definitely beat all of my imagination.
Whilst training at Beckers what was your biggest challenge?
Clearing the meteorology exam. I just could not get my head around DSLR & SLR & ELR. Still can't.
Most memorable flight at Beckers?
The nav sortie that I flew with Dave (David Paech) AKA Snake. During the flight I thought we had flown into restricted airspace, had a big argument with Dave mid-air, but we were alright.
What did you do when you finished your training?
Was tied up to the wired fence on airside and my hair was painted green! Well that and had a holiday across Australia with my wife and son.
What are you doing now?
Flying a Bell 407 for ARKI Aviation in Pune, India.
How many hours have you logged?
What do you see yourself doing in 5 years?
Moving on to a twin maybe.
Advice to those wanting to learn to fly?
Enjoy every moment of it. It's the most fun time ever. Remember every flight is a new beginning, don't waste it.
Advice on looking for work?
Keep at it. It will happen.

Final words?
Being at Becker Helicopter's was one of the most memorable time in my life. I am more than glad I elected to train with Beckers. It's been 3 years since, but I can remember and use all the valuable lesson, it does work in when you are up there flying single pilot in the most trying conditions. Thanks a lot again guys, it was a real pleasure.

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