Country of origin: The Netherlands
Why did you want fly Helicopters?
It is something that's part of a big wish. I eventually want to conduct voluntarily work once I have made a living. What better can you do than being helicopter which you can use for dropping, evacuation, rescue in general or anything similar you name it.

Why did you choose Beckers?
I initially chose the country. It has to be stable weather rather than Europe where the weather is, especially around the Northsea, very unstable. Second I chose dozens of flightschool around Australia and chose Beckers because of their straightforwardness and honesty. They do not promise you mountains of gold but the tell you that with hard work AND the right attitude you can have a wonderful time..
When did you start here?
November 2007
What was theory like?
I didn't sit class. As of my previous experience because of my aeronautical degree almost 75% was clear for me. So, besides my flying, I studied hard at home for 7 weeks and did the 7 exams which I passed well.
During the week how many hours you study for cyber exams?
I usually did 8 hrs a day during previous mentioned 7 wks and during my 2-3 hours break I did initial training.
Was it enough?
Yes it was, I passed all exams. Ok, not with 98% but I passed them nicely :)
What was your "first" flight experience with Beckers and who did you fly with?
I flew with Mez for the first time. My first flight was amazing and the best , but also the most difficult, I have ever done. Helicopter flying is difficult in the beginning but after 10 hrs you get the feeling and can start enjoying it.
Best flying experience?
First solo NAV. I flew through the amazing mountains ranges where the tops were towering above layers of fog which covered the valleys. On the way way back via de coast spotted some dolphins, very nice and unforgettable.
Not so nice flying experience?
The day I decided to "just" swap over from the R22 to the R44 helicopter when I had to do my dummy CPL test. Lot of stress and all my skills were gone all the sudden because of the stress.
Luckily after 1 hour Mike got me back on track and three days later I passed my CPL :)
What was your flight test like?
The actual flighttest was "relatively" easy as Mike prepares you through and through already on the dummy test. On the dummy test you work very hard: You do emergencies , diversions in nav flights, engine failures ,questions to put pressure upon you, faking sick passenger in the back of the R44. But..... after you have experienced all this and he sees you do well he just does the things he needs to do on the actual flighttest and that is it.
And amazingly even on your flighttest he teaches you so many small tricks to improve your airmanship.
Where and what are you going to do now?
I hope that a job comes off around the Great Ocean Road. Otherwise I return to Europe and concentrate on my previous job in aeronautical engineering to set out a course to become helicopter pilot and gaining hours. So if anyone knows a nice spot: I speak 6 languages and know how to fly helicopters and I am not lazy to get my hand dirty......
Advice to new students?
In Australia the helicopter business is one in which you have to do 3-5 years of hard work until you've gained 1500-2000hrs. After that you career gets a lot better. Do not hesistate and follow your intuition. If you want something go for it and you will succeed.
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