Name: Dave (Chalky) White
Age: 43 years
Country: Originally from the UK. Now an Australian Citizen.
When did you train at Beckers? 2006
Why helicopters? Why fixed wings! The hover thing and varied roles for Helicopters make them stand out.
Biggest challenge in training and why? Flying straight and level on navigation flights which I guess was down to experience and not paying close enough attention to the instruments! I was too busy enjoying the view!
The paper mache flight helmet made by Chalky's wife, Helen and the kids when he was training |
Most memorable training flight? On a solo nav to Hervey Bay flying back to the Sunshine Coast along Rainbow beach and down the coast. It was a fantastic spring day and the views were spectacular.
What did you do after you finished training? Worked at Heliwork at Redcliffe for a little over a year then went out to Alice Springs looking for a break! The break didn't arrive so I came back with the family to the Sunshine Coast and gained employment with Beckers, initially as an operations assistant and then a theory instructor.
What are you doing now? I am working as a theory instructor and base pilot at Becker Helicopters.
Advice to those learning to fly? As my instructor Ric Spruijt use to say "make it do what you want it to do".
Advice to those looking for work? Don't give up. It is not an easy road but if the dream is worth chasing then chase the dream. I was fortunate in that although it took me 4 years to get a good break I had the support of my wife and family who were behind me succeeding.
Chalky and Fergus catching up with former student Brad Noble in Katherine last year |