Out on the Barkly, the legend is growing
‘bout an unusual event with much to-ing and fro-ing
After a little tough talking, the gauntlet was laid
The talking got tougher so the piper was paid
Down at the bar, Daly Waters no less
The boys hatched a plan – no one to confess
That the very next day without limit on pace
A Ute and a chopper are having a race
The lads from Orange, brand new Ute bright green
HDT with all the tricks, such speed is never seen.
A road trip to test her out, to really let her go
Up through the Territory wild oats we’re go’nna sew.
They coasted in to Daly smug in bright green
Thinking “we’re about the flashest unit this town has ever seen!”
They warm up at the bar, displaying such poise
Before the beer is half empty, “what’s the racket, what’s the noise?”
A helicopter landing – dust and drama all thrown up
Adoring crowd has disappeared, gone to see what’s up
The chopper boys are here now, new swagger in the room
“How fast is she?” snorts the pilot “have you heard a sonic boom?”
On it goes in to the night each team looking for top pace
Finally the cry goes out “there’s going to be a race”
Up in the Territory these things are lightly never taken
People come from miles around; they want to see a spanking
The Man from Snowy River was justly mighty proud
When word spread about his movements he drew a hefty crowd
But as the sun rose up at Daly, bush telegraph spread the heat
Trucks, vans, busses and utes, 500 souls lined the street!
The cheering was deafening as our heroes set sail
Fate would determine who would succeed and who would fail
To win that night Mount Isa many miles past
And drink a beer and rightly claim to be the Kings of FAST.
For the record, the Jet ranger she sailed true
Never wavering from her heading, speed or power – holding solid through and through
Flying straight across the Barkly setting record pace
Result was hardly doubtful, tortoise / hare were in this race
By days end, post-flight, refuel and have our showers
We got time before we need to show up and claim the victory ours
So our pilots rest up, all in good time….no haste
Overlander Hotel, showing up feels like a waste
They step from the cab, disbelief and hearts sinking
Can’t believe their eyes “Oh my God what were we thinking?”
Parked up on the curb, hot bitumen dripping
The mighty green Ute brew in hand, drivers sipping
So the crew from down south, without word of a lie
Have proved to the rest that they can low fly
Honorary Chopper Pilots, they’ve been given awards
No call for these heroes to drop down on their swords
Our legend grows on, how fast is that green Ute?
Old timers nod their heads, knowing she’s a rare beaut
The pilot’s they say had to retire in disgrace
Mocked by aviation for losing such a race
30 June 2009
congratulations guys
Scott Hennessey (USA) pass CPLH Flight Test on 18 June 2009
Suleman Hamidu (Nigeria) First Solo & First Solo Navigation
Mick Graham (AUS) First Solo

Geoff Shaw (AUS) First Solo

Dan Hull (AUS) First Solo & First Solo Navigation

Geoff Shaw (AUS) First Solo

Dan Hull (AUS) First Solo & First Solo Navigation

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